The Importance of Pet Vaccination

Vaccines are products that trigger protective immune responses. They prepare the immune system to fight infections and diseases that may occur in the future. Therefore, they are for prevention rather than treatment of diseases.
Why Do They Matter?
Vaccines stimulate your pet’s immune system to produce antibodies. These antibodies identify and destroy organisms that may cause disease in your pet’s body. They will protect it from otherwise fatal or severely contagious diseases. Vaccinating your pet builds its immunity against life-threatening diseases.
A Background of Pet Vaccination
In recent years, vaccination has become its own worst enemy. It is because many pet owners fail to see the need for it. They do not see the need for it because of the lower risk of infections and diseases. The reduction is because of a cycle and long history of pet owners vaccinating their pets. Therefore, it is important to continue vaccinations to keep those terrible and fatal diseases at bay.
Reasons to Vaccinate Your Pet
Vaccinations are not only important for your pet but also for you. Here are some of the reasons why that is true.
Prevention of Diseases
Vaccination creates and boosts the immunity of your pet. When your pet’s immunity is good, it protects it from life-threatening diseases. The prevention of disease does not only apply to your pet but also to you. Some diseases like rabies and leptospirosis can pass on to humans. When you vaccinate your pet against these diseases, you also ensure your safety.
Peace of Mind
Vaccination will give you peace of mind during an outbreak of animal diseases. It will help you know that your pet has protection. Thus, you will have nothing to worry about. Your pet will also be at peace since you need not prevent it from going outdoors when it wants to. You will also not be unnecessarily strict about it socializing with other pets.
You will have a happy pet that can freely socialize with other pets. Pets need to socialize and interact with other pets. They become happy when they see other animals. You can also travel with your pet when you want to. This is more so if you are traveling abroad. It allows your pet to experience sceneries and spend time with you.
Pet diseases can be costly. Vaccinations will help you avoid these costly payments for the treatment of infections and diseases.
Types of Vaccinations
The different types of vaccinations include core and non-core vaccinations. Core vaccinations are vital for every pet. They depend on the severity of disease, risk of exposure, and transmission to humans.
Non-core vaccinations are for pets with unique needs. They are optional and depend on your pet’s risk of exposure. The risk of exposure refers to an animal’s lifestyle and geographic distribution.
Your vet will determine the best vaccination schedule for your pet. Ensure you stick to the schedule your vet provides. Many vaccinations give adequate protection. However, some need boosters. If you miss a vaccination or a booster, please contact your vet and they will advise you on the plan of action.
For more information on pet vaccination, visit Port Royal Veterinary Hospital at our office in Port Royal, South Carolina. You can also call (843) 379-7387 to book the appointment today.