Your Guide to Preparing for Flea and Tick Season

The warm, soft fur of your animal companion provides a good environment for fleas and ticks. These annoying insects feed on blood and can cause various health problems. These problems can range from allergic reactions to various pet illnesses.
When Is the Tick and Flea Season?
As a pet owner, you need to understand that ticks and fleas are more common during the warmer seasons. Fortunately, you can take steps to ward them off. Do you know when the tick and flea season begins in your area of the country? If you do not, you need to find out as soon as possible.
After all, if you love your pet, you should do everything possible to keep your animal pal healthy and happy. Doing so is especially important when pests are more prevalent. That said, you need to understand that pests or insects can be a nuisance year-round. Hence, ask your veterinarian when your pet might be most at risk.
As stated above, ticks and fleas are most active during the warmer seasons of the year. The central regions of the United States are at a greater risk usually between March and December. In the West and South Coast of the country, flea and tick season is generally year-round. When you move north, the flea and tick season shortens gradually.
But wherever you live, your animal friend can get a flea and/or tick infestation any time of the year. So, whether you live in South Carolina or Alaska, your pet might experience a tick bite or flea infestation any time of the year. It is just less likely during the cold seasons.
Preparing for Flea and Tick Season
As the weather begins to peek around the corner and warm up, most people like to spend time outdoors. They also bring their animal companions with them. But as a pet owner, you need to know that some unfriendly foes are lurking around.
Weirdly, ticks and fleas have the same idea and objective. They want to cling to your furry friend and feed on them. Thus, you need to know how to keep them at bay to protect your pet. Here are some useful tips for preparing for the flea and tick season:
Look for Current Prevention Products
A tick or flea infestation could be extremely stressful for pet owners. Hence, it is important to stick to a year-round tick and flea treatment regimen. You have many options for this type of protection. Ask your veterinarian to prescribe medications and products that will keep ticks and fleas at bay during each season.
Take Precautionary Measures
Do you live in an area where your pet is more likely to get a flea or tick infestation? If so, you need to take precautionary measures. Such places include campsites, the woods, pet boarding facilities, and other areas. Therefore, take the necessary steps to protect your animal companion.
Make Your Yard Safer for Your Pet
You should take precautions in your yard as well. Doing so is not as difficult as you might think. Tons of pesticides are available for your garden and home. They can help keep ticks and fleas out of your home and yard. Doing so will add a significant measure of protection for pets, even those that do not leave their owners’ property.
For more on tick and flea prevention, contact Port Royal Veterinary Hospital at our office in Port Royal, South Carolina. You can call 843-379-7387 to schedule an appointment today.