



Lyme disease can affect your dog regardless of age, breed, or size. The more time your animal companion spends outdoors where ticks are widespread, the higher its risk of infection. Sadly, there are a few things that make this bacterial illness pretty scary. Ticks that carry Lyme disease aren't easy to locate. Sometimes, it's difficult to spot a tick bite, particularly if your little furry friend has a thick coat. The same ticks that infect your dog can also infect you and other people. Additionally, symptoms of infection come and go, vary from mild to severe, and even mimic other health conditions. In some cases, they don't manifest at all until many months later. So, how do you know if your dog has Lyme disease? Here are the common warning signs you should watch out for:
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The American Heartworm Society defines heartworm disease as a severe, and possibly deadly, disease in pets. It is widespread in the United States and numerous countries. This disease is caused by an infestation of worms measuring a foot long each that go straight to the lungs, heart, and blood vessels. Heartworms seem to infest all mammals, but it is more heartbreaking when the disease affects your pet. If you want to find out the signs and symptoms of heartworms in dogs, here’s what you should know.
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Poisonous Foods for Dogs
Most people adore animals and are eager to welcome a new pet into their homes. Some pets become part of the human family and are accorded all the benefits of being “human.” Still, despite your warm, welcoming hands, your home could be a death trap for the pet.
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Dental disease is one of the most untreated conditions among cats and dogs. Experts confirm that it affects eight out of 10 pets. It’s also worth noting that between 70 and 85 percent of all cats and dogs aged older than two years suffer from some form of gum disease. Does your animal companion have bad breath or tartar-covered teeth? Maybe you’ve seen them drooling or dropping food from their mouth. Well, there’s a reason why February is observed as the National Pet Dental Health Month. If you’re not sure what role dental care has on your pet’s overall health, read on to find out.
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Pet owners enjoy various health and social benefits by walking their dogs regularly. According to Harvard Health Publishing, daily walks ease joint pain, offset the effects of weight-promoting genes, and boost immune function.
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At Port Royal Veterinary Hospital in Port Royal, SC, our experienced doctors and staff are proud to offer complete veterinary medicine catered to the specific needs of your pet.